What scares YOU? Do serial killers scare you? Is it ghosts or shadow people that get you? What about the supernatural and evil demons? It's different for everyone.
You can be greatly impacted by groups online that target individuals they feel are on the "wrong side of history". NOW, we are being told that some common, everyday phrases are racist and offensive. I promise, if you read all the way down, some of these will shock you.
An Alabama man doing his daily shopping at Publix in Northport was struck by a shopping cart injuring his right hip. The cart was being pushed by an older, white male who clearly was a total jerk. In every way. Why? Let's talk about this.
I've been a fan of the Crimson Tide since moving to Tuscaloosa as a 15-year-old in the late 1980s. I love the sport. It's the one thing in my life that truly is an escape from the daily grind of life. Those three hours are what I look forward to every week.